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AfricaTeam,   12/18/2023 10:13:13 AM Add AfricaTeam as a Friend   |  Send Message
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Dominic Ongwen Transferred To Norway To Serve His Sentence Of Imprisonment

Mr Ongwen is the fifth person transferred by the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "Court") to a State that has indicated its willingness to accept sentenced persons.


THE HAGUE, Netherlands, December 18, 2023/ -- On 18 December 2023, Dominic Ongwen was transferred to a prison facility in the Kingdom of Norway to serve his sentence of imprisonment. Mr Ongwen is the fifth person transferred by the International Criminal Court ("ICC" or "Court") ( to a State that has indicated its willingness to accept sentenced persons.

On 9 November 2023, the Presidency of the ICC designated ( Norway as the State of enforcement for the sentence of imprisonment of Mr Ongwen, pursuant to article 103 of the Rome Statute. The Presidency noted that the enforcement of the sentence of imprisonment shall be subject to the supervision of the Court and shall be consistent with widely accepted international standards governing the treatment of prisoners.


The transfer of Mr Ongwen to Norway occurred with the close cooperation of the Norwegian authorities and the support of the Dutch authorities. The ICC relies on the support from States for the enforcement of its sentences and is highly appreciative of the voluntary cooperation of Norway in this case.

Background: On 4 February 2021, Trial Chamber IX found Dominic Ongwen guilty ( for a total of 61 crimes comprising crimes against humanity and war crimes, committed in Northern Uganda between 1 July 2002 and 31 December 2005. On 6 May 2021, Trial Chamber IX sentenced ( Dominic Ongwen to 25 years of imprisonment.


On 15 December 2022, the Appeals Chamber confirmed ( the decisions of Trial Chamber IX on Dominic Ongwen’s guilt and sentence. The conviction and the sentence are now final. Furthermore, a phase dedicated to the reparations to victims is ongoing.

Decision designating a State of enforcement (

For further information on the Ongwen case, click here (


Distributed by APO Group on behalf of International Criminal Court (ICC). 

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