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Ethiopian Airlines to Launch Passenger Services to Freetown Discover Freetown with Ethiopian New Service via Ouagadougou

Addis Ababa, February 23, 2024
Ethiopian Airlines, the largest network operator in Africa, is pleased to announce a launch of a thrice weekly passenger services to Freetown, Sierra Leonevia Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso starting from 31st of May 2024. This new route marks yet another milestone in the airline's extensive network expansion endeavor, connecting more African countries and providing travelers with convenient and efficient travel options.
The new thrice weekly services to Freetownwill be operated using the most modern and eco-friendly Boeing 787-800 aircraft, offering passengers a comfortable and enjoyable flight experience. The B787 is equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, including spacious seats, personal entertainment systems, and onboard Wi-Fi, ensuring a pleasant journey for all passengers. The flight schedule for the new service is as follows:


Regarding the commencement of the new route Ethiopian Airlines Group CEO Mr. Mesfin Tasew said: “We are delighted to expand our West Africa network with the addition of Freetown, Sierra Leone. This new route, set to launch in May 2024, will not only provide our passengers with more options for travel, but also facilitate increased tourism, trade and investment opportunities between Ethiopia, Sierra Leone and Burkina Faso. As we continue to grow and connect with more destinations, we are committed to fostering cooperation and partnership between our countries.”


Freetown, the capital of Sierra Leone, is a major port city on the Atlantic Ocean in the western hemisphere of Africa and the largest city in Sierra Leone, a country known for its natural beauty and diverse wildlife.
Ethiopian Airlines is committed to providing its customers with a seamless and efficient travel experience, and the addition of Freetown to its network is a testament to this commitment. The airline looks forward to welcoming passengers on board and providing them with its renowned Ethiopian hospitality.
Ethiopian Airlines



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