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Mozambique: African Development Bank Grants $33 Million to Improve the Electrical Grid Near Borders With Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe

 The grant is from the Transition Support Facility, a financial instrument of the Bank specifically for states undergoing transition.


ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast, December 5, 2023/ -- Meeting in Abidjan on 5 December 2023, the Board of Directors of the African Development Bank Group ( approved a grant of $33.25 million to Mozambique to implement the Songo-Matambo electricity transport line project.

The grant is from the Transition Support Facility, a financial instrument of the Bank specifically for states undergoing transition. The project goal is to increase the reliability and security of Mozambique's electrical supply and to promote regional integration of the electricity network and of the trade in electrical power.


"This project is part of a broader effort to modernize the grid to allow for the installation and sale of supplementary production capacity and, in this way, to contribute to the affirmation of Mozambique as an emerging energy hub in the region. This project will improve the quality of supply in the central and northern regions that are home to the greatest part of the population of Mozambique and in so doing will contribute to the development of the country. The project will also facilitate the implementation of priority regional interconnectors such as Mozambique – Malawi and Mozambique – Zambia," said César Mba Abogo, African Development Bank Country Office Manager in Mozambique.


The project will see the construction of a 118-kilometre, 400-kilovolt (kV) high-voltage single-circuit transmission line from Songo to Matambo. The line will cross the site where the future Cataxa substation will be built to integrate the planned Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric power plant. It will use self-supporting steel mesh overhead towers carrying a horizontal conductor configuration with an energy transport capacity of 2,300 megawatts (MW).

The project plans to expand Songo substation to extend the 220 kV busbar, install a new 600 MVA 220/220 kV phase shift transformer to regulate grid flows and a 3x200 MVA 220/400 (300) kV step-up transformer. The project will also refurbish the current 3x200 MVA 220/400 (300) kV transformer.


Extensive work will also be carried out at the Matambo substation, which will be expanded. Thus, a new 400 kV feed supply to the new 400 kV Matambo extension will be built to integrate the 400 kV line from Songo.

The project beneficiary area is the province of Tete, which is located in the Zambezi Valley Development Corridor, in the border area with Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. This province comprises 15 districts: Angónia, Changara, Chiúta, Chifunde, Cahora Bassa, Dôa, Marara, Marávia, Macanga, Moatize, Mutarara, Mágoè, Tsangano, Zumbo and the city of Tete.


Distributed by APO Group on behalf of African Development Bank Group (AfDB).

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