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Seychelles President Wavel Ramkalawan chairs cabinet meeting.
President Wavel Ramkalawan chaired a scheduled meeting of the Cabinet yesterday, Wednesday 20th March in which a number of legal and policy memoranda were approved.
Cabinet approved development of an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Policy and Strategy for Seychelles. Education for Sustainable Development gives learners of all ages the knowledge, skills, values, and capacity to address interconnected global challenges, including climate change, loss of biodiversity, non-sustainable use of resources and inequality. It empowers learners to make informed decisions and take individual and collective action to change society and care for the planet.
Cabinet approved amendments to the Registration of Business Names Act as per the draft Registration of Business Names (Amendment) Bill, 2024. The amendments in the Bill are designed to accommodate the transition towards a more digitally driven business environment.
The Cabinet approved a policy for a law that will grant the Attorney General the authority to offer individuals who have committed minor offences the option of paying a penalty in excess of the fine prescribed for that offence, instead of facing criminal prosecution for such offence. This law will primarily apply to offences subject to a fixed penalty, where the offender has failed to remit the penalty within the given time limit.
Cabinet approved proposals to draft the Non-Bank Credit Granting Institutions Bill that will govern the credit institutions that perform lending and other activities based on a special license.
Cabinet approved the development project at Amitié, Grand Anse Praslin. The Enterprise Seychelles Agency (“ESA”) will administer the site which will consist of artisanal kiosks, café-restaurant, food kiosks, beverage kiosk, Kids playing area, art gallery, open deck with a beach shack / bar, stage for cultural shows, toilet and shower facilities; and car park facilities. The plots will be tendered for interested developers.
Cabinet approved for an amendment to be made to Schedule I, Part I – Imports of the Value Added Tax Act to include provision to exempt VAT on raw materials used to produce VAT exempt supplies. This exemption will be applicable for local manufacturers producing such VAT exempt supplies.

Office of the President of The Republic of Seychelles

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