Adama Barrow was sworn in today at 4 PM Senegal Time officially as Gambia new Prsesident. The swearing ceremony happened at Gambia's Embassy in Senegal.
Gambia's Embassy is recognized in international law as part of Gambia, so the swearing ceremony even though on foreign land, is recognized as if it happened in Gambia. This is also the first time in Africa where a candidate wins an election in his country, and gets sworn in as President in a different country.
Botswana also became the first African state to announce that it no longer recognises Yahya Jammeh as Gambia's President.
Botswana Govt Statemment::
Mr Jammeh’s decision not to respect the will of the Gambian people undermines the ongoing efforts to consolidate democracy and good governance in The Gambia and Africa as a whole. This is also in direct contravention of the spirit and aspirations of the African Union Constitutive Act.
Africa Team